For a minute, it appeared Donald Trump had sown up the deadbeat mom and dad vote for his reelection campaign. Earlier this week, an article declaring “CHILD SUPPORT SAID TO END BY BEGINNING OF 2018” thanks to a new law signed by the commander-in-chief appeared on the Facebook page of the website react365.com. The story garnered 46,000 shares. By the time legit blogs and news outlets pointed out that the article was a hoax, the same BS story popped up on the Facebook page for another fake news website, TMZbreaking.com, where it got 238,000 shares.
The fake child support story was likely a test run by the same Russian spooks allegedly responsible for spreading racist propaganda that helped Trump during last year’s U.S. presidential election, according to an internal investigation conducted by Facebook. They want to make sure they can still penetrate the social network’s supposed defenses just as Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is attempting some damage control.
During a live Facebook chat Thursday, Zuckerberg said the company would make advertisers disclose who paid for their ad and would “beef up” its review of political advertisements before publishing. In true Trumpian fashion, the president tried to flip it around. He tweeted, “The Russia hoax continues, now it’s ads on Facebook.”
It must kill Zuckerberg — whose net worth is $70.7 billion — to know that the little thing he created while attending Harvard University to communicate with his friends has morphed into a monster that could bring about a civil war and World War III.
Zuckerberg’s having a meltdown because the company’s internal probe confirmed one of his worst fears: He has lost control of Facebook. It started when fake news stories about Hillary Clinton helped convince millions of Facebook users to elect the worst mother fucker to ever become president. Zuckerberg’s private sleuths say they discovered a Russian operation spent $100,000 on issues-related advertisements promoting fake accounts and pages that spewed anti-immigrant and anti-minority rhetoric, two cornerstones of Trump’s campaign.
It’s going to be nearly impossible for Zuckerberg and his Facebook crew to crack down on hoaxes. The public loves to consume, juicy gossipy shit even if it’s proven untrue.