When Kodak Black was on social media with a Gun in the same County where 17 kids got murdered they had no problem kicking down his door
There is no excuse for the FBI and law enforcement authorities to have missed all the tips pointing to Nikolas Cruz, the shooter, as a deranged killer in the making. This prove police and federal agents are selectively enforcing the law. Last month, cops and federal agents were quick to arrest rapper Kodak Black for violating his probation and gun-related charges after he posted on social media brandishing weapons. Meanwhile, Ceruz was doing the exact same thing and talking about killing people. But when someone who knew Cruz contacted the FBI to stop him, nothing happened.
Also, Broward County needs to have its own School Polic e Department just like Miami-Dade schools. It would have been hard for this to happen in Miami-Dade because school police would have investigated this troubled young man. Plus, armed officers would have been assigned to the school to keep an eye for him. Broward County schools and parks are not safe or secured. My son plays baseball in Miramar. At his homefield, I have yet to see any police officers at the park. Something that we do very well in the City of Miami.
And finally the people of Florida need to stop our racist ways because this is killing our kids. If politicians do not want to do anything about gun control, then voters should not be putting them in elected office. A 19-year-old kid who can’t buy a beer at the bar should be able to purchase an assault rifle. Plain and simple. It’s time to stop voting along party lines or based on a candidates’ race. We have a problem with whites not wanting to vote for white candidates who happen to be Democrats b ecause they think he is a nigger lover. And they certainly don’t want to vote for the black candidates even when they know he is the best candidate for the job.
And it’s not just white people living in rural areas who vote for the NRA-loving candidates, who also include Democrats. Republicans are not the only ones with the blood of gunned down children on their hands. There are Anglo voters in the suburbs and cities who vote for them too, but don’t publicly admit it.
Gun control is a tricky subject for any white politician because actually creating new laws that restrict access to firearms will slow down African Americans killing each other and killing off historic African Americans. And that would slow down gentrification.
It’s time to man up and make changes.
Follow Luther Campbell on Twitter: @unclelukereal1